Enhancing circular glass packaging solutions in Albania

This challenge is in phase: Incubate business

How can we provide circular business solutions to reduce glass waste and decrease glass packaging costs in Albania by promoting reusability and recycling?


Each lab of tomorrow looks to overcome development hurdles by introducing business solutions. Solutions that are impactful and at the same time profitable and scalable.

Each lot program therefore:

  • identifies market opportunites within the challenges
  • invites selected able and innovative companies that all bring puzzle pieces to the table, allowing the companies to develop their solutions and combine the expertise and resources available to address the market quickly

lot 23 offers you:

  • a clearly defined business opportunity and access to a new market
  • direct access to your customers - several are partners of the program - and a strong network to other key actors
  • product development support
  • incubation support including up to 200.000 € co-financing for market pilots

lot23 is looking for you if:

  • You are a registered business in Albania or an international company with interest to enter the Albanian market
  • You are an NGO/ CSO or individual that can provide subject knowledge and experience on the business cases (co-develop viable solutions)
  • You are an investment ready startup or entrepreneur affiliated with sustainability


Besides companies that work directly with glass, glass packaging or glass recycling, we are particularly seeking for:

  • Subject experts and engineers in product design and materials technology 
  • IT experts, app developers, and professionals working on digital logistic systems
  • E-commerce and marketing experts (with a focus on green marketing)
  • HoReCa experts, logistics operators, etc.


We are pioneering this initiative through the EU for Circular Economy and Livable Cities project (EU4CELC), co-financed by the European Union (EU) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), and implemented by GIZ Albania in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism and Environment (MoTE). The EU4CELC project aims to facilitate Albania's transition to a circular economy, empower municipalities to create livable cities for the future, and contribute to improved citizens' health, green job creation, and enhanced energy efficiency.




Today in Albania nearly all glass waste ends up on landfills. There exist only a few circular systems for glass packaging in place. This results in significant environmental damage as landfills fill up quickly and a valuable resource turns to waste after single use.

This poses an economic challenge as beverage producers must import bottles at high costs from abroad.

At the same time overcoming this challenge offers several opportunities for the local population, local and international businesses and the environment. As an example, local breweries and wineries - are looking for cost effective and environmentally sensible alternatives to importing bottles. A market opportunity for the introduction of a circular glass bottle system and other reuse options. This includes the implementation of a comprehensive infrastructure for the collection, sorting, cleaning and recycling of used glass and glass waste which would strengthen the local economy, job market and help protect the environment.

During the Understand phase of our program, spanning from July to September, additional information will be published on this platform.

If you are an expert on the topic of glass and glass waste, or provider of glass waste solutions please feel free to contact us.

Business Opportunities


Ideate Solutions

The lot23 innovation sprint will take place in Tirana, 24. - 27. September 2024.

A guided and intense 4-day product development workshop with handselected companies, your target group, supporting partners and high visibility.

There won't be time for emails. There will be time, space and potential for ideas, business models + development and the creation of strong networks and partnerships.


Incubate business

What is the incubation phase:

The participating teams enter the incubation phase to refine, test and ultimately pilot their business model in the target market. Typically, the incubation phase takes about 3-4 months and encompasses coaching for the teams by Business Design experts and might also include additional in-kind support. The incubation phase closes with a pitch in front of investors.

The incubation of lot23 will be conducted from October - January, directly following the innovationsprint.

More information
